It’s almost July and we can hardly believe we’re already 7 months into the year. It’s definitely been an interesting year to say the least, and we’re sure most of us need self care, a little loving and a little morale boost to keep going. Here’s us giving you that assurance and hope that good things are coming our way soon and we shall overcome this together.
Every day we see so many of you sending love to others and being their sunshine. In fact, we even see some of you treating yourself to some gifts as a form of self care. Be it in the form of gifts, flowers or heartfelt messages – we are inspired every day by your kindness. We have never been prouder to be part of such a caring community and we’re ever so grateful to continue delivering love to all Malaysians, nationwide. Thank you.
It is no wonder that Pantone’s Colour of the Year for 2021 is ‘Illuminating’, a bright and cheerful yellow shade full of vibrance and hope for the future. Inspired by this colour’s relevant messaging, all of us at Happy Bunch want to further encourage everyone to Be Someone’s Sunshine. Caring for others can keep our community connections strong and show that love and compassion wins! Don’t forget to practice self care too and be your very own sunshine. At the end of the day, taking care of yourself makes you stronger for everyone else.
5 ways to self care and care for others
This doesn’t have to be a full-body workout to get abs by the end of lockdown. Doing some light 15-minute yoga or taking a brief walk around the block is a good way to practice self care, get moving and clear your head. Even on days where you’re really not feeling it, just get some fresh air. Whether it’s as simple as opening the window or taking out the trash outside, getting some fresh air and feeling the sun on your skin can do wonders! Trust us.
Most of us used to go out and be surrounded by other people every day and having a sudden loss of that interaction has more of an effect than we realize. Keep in contact with family and friends regularly. Check-in on them, let them know you’re thinking of them, send them a care pack or bloomsto brighten up their week, celebrate milestones and birthdays with Google Meets. You’ll never know how much these little acts can truly mean to someone who really needs it. Plus, it’s good ol’ self care for yourself too when you surround yourself with people you love, even if it’s done virtually.
They’ve opened new vaccine centers or had thousands of Covid recoveries? A Malaysian helped out another fellow Malaysian in times of need? There are so many examples out there of people helping one another. Share those. Talk about those. Together we can prevent getting caught in a bad news spiral, and that’s how we truly show that love and care that Malaysians have for each other will prevail over everything else.
As always, we at Happy Bunch can’t stress enough to follow guidelines set by the government to keep everyone safe. Staying at home when you can is a great way to care for yourself and the others around you physically. At the same time, we also need to prioritize self care and our mental health. With the overload of news and information flooding our social media, it can feel exceptionally overwhelming. If you feel weighed down by it all, step away. Take a day off social media, look after yourself, always remember that self care is not selfish and has never been more important than ever. The news can wait.
Make time for self care. You matter.
During challenging times, it’s often we feel like we simply don’t have time to take a break, let alone practice self care. On any given day, we carry out a number of different roles in the important areas of our lives – from your role at work, being a parent or a spouse, to the students trying to figure out e-learning… Managing to juggle all of these roles and responsibilities can be a delicate balancing act, more so when it’s during a pandemic. It’s important to realize that these ARE tough times and it’s okay to not be okay. Try not to be too hard on yourself.
Even five minutes of focusing on our breathing or stretching or making your favorite coffee can really help. These small moments of self care can help strengthen and bring out the best versions of ourselves! These small gifts you give to yourself can help you, even in these crazy uncertain times.