Pink Rose


Our Fav Collection features a classic mix of Pink Roses & Eucalyptus, a favorite for any occasion. Wrapped in eco-friendly honeycomb paper, these bouquets are beautiful and kind to the planet.

These bouquets come in small, medium, and large sizes. Medium is double the small, and large is triple. Also available as table top arrangements.

Ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, or just because!

Your bouquet may vary slightly from the picture, but rest assured, our talented florists will create a stunning arrangement tailored to the season. We may use alternative blooms of equal or greater value, ensuring your bouquet is always spectacular. Get ready for a delightful surprise that'll bring smiles and joy!

Select Add-ons to make it extra special
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  • Chocolates
  • Cookies & Snacks
  • Ice Cream
  • Home & Living
  • Plush
  • Cake
  • Beauty
  • Fruits & Gift Boxes
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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Loiusa Lim
repeat customer of Happy Bunch Malaysia

Love the bouquet very much and heartwarming customer service team of Happy Bunch Malaysia is priceless. i am incredibly pleased with Happy Bunch Malaysia. Cheers.

Lai Wat
Super convienent

Super convienent to place order. Definitely will recommend to friends and support more

Tan Ying Bin
Bday Flower

Thanks for the arrangement, however the delivery fee is slightly expensive

ramprabhu sreekrishnan
pathetic service

I am writing to express my extreme disappointment with the delivery of order #28820. I was informed it was delivered, but the recipient has not received it. I requested proof of delivery (a photo) yesterday evening, but have received no response or update since. This is unacceptable.

If the bouquet was not delivered, I require it to be delivered after 7 PM today. Please provide an immediate update on the status of my order and address this lack of communication.

express delivery

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Loiusa Lim
repeat customer of Happy Bunch Malaysia

Love the bouquet very much and heartwarming customer service team of Happy Bunch Malaysia is priceless. i am incredibly pleased with Happy Bunch Malaysia. Cheers.

Lai Wat
Super convienent

Super convienent to place order. Definitely will recommend to friends and support more

Tan Ying Bin
Bday Flower

Thanks for the arrangement, however the delivery fee is slightly expensive

ramprabhu sreekrishnan
pathetic service

I am writing to express my extreme disappointment with the delivery of order #28820. I was informed it was delivered, but the recipient has not received it. I requested proof of delivery (a photo) yesterday evening, but have received no response or update since. This is unacceptable.

If the bouquet was not delivered, I require it to be delivered after 7 PM today. Please provide an immediate update on the status of my order and address this lack of communication.